One last thing; KELLY DOHM's Waconia based law firm, MELCHERT, HUBERT & SJODIN, 'collected' around $50,000.00 TAXPAYER DOLLARS when the other CITY OFFICIALS, as the 'PLAINTIFFS', attempted, in vain, to force me off of the Hamburg City Council because of 'all of the questions' I was asking ON BEHALF OF TAXPAYERS, about what I was observing taking place within the City. As everyone knows the City 'lost' their bogus 'effort' to force me from the City Council; there wasn't a 'shred of evidence' on which to base their phoney, harassing allegations against me !! It was very apparent then; and it's very apparent now; THE CITY NEEDS to FIND ANOTHER LAW FIRM !! AND QUICK !!
Now, the City is involved, as the 'DEFENDANTS', in a civil lawsuit AGAINST THE CITY brought by another former Hamburg City Council Member. To date, and depending on which of the TWO SETS OF FIGURES provided by the City that, if you can believe their 'figures', CITY OFFICIALS have ALREADY SPENT (either) $73,773.81 (or) $64,862.71 (a DISCREPENCY OF $8,911.10 in the CITYS FAVOR) of our TAXPAYER DOLLARS since the suit was first brought against the City in JULY 2019; TWO & A HALF YEARS AGO !! By the way, the suit against the City HASN'T EVEN GONE TO COURT yet !! GET OUT YOU CHECKBOOKS AGAIN !! Certainly; the City NEEDS to FIND ANOTHER LAW FIRM !! AND QUICK !!
Apparently, KELLY DOHM's Waconia based law firm is better and more proficient at sending out bills to the City than KELLY DOHM is at practicing law on behalf of the City; TAXPAYERS have paid WELL OVER $100,00.00 on JUST THESE TWO CASES ALONE that CITIZENS ARE NOW AWARE OF because of this Website !!
And now, with the knowledge of learning what been taking place 'behind the scenes' involving the owner of the building at 340 Railroad Street trying to IMPROVE his structure, the City is 'all over him like a cheap suit' !! Anyone care to guess how many TAXPAYER DOLLARS the City has PAID TO KELLY DOHM's law firm involving that 'action' INITIATED BY THE CITY AGAINST A CITY RESIDENT WHO OWNS THE BUILDING !! Seems quite evident to me that the City NEEDS to FIND ANOTHER LAW FIRM !! AND QUICK !!
Like 'Liberace'; KELLY DOHM, and her law firm, are 'crying all the way to the bank' with the TAXPAYER DOLLARS once owned by the residents of the City of Hamburg !!
How many HAMBURG TAXPAYER DOLLARS do you think the City of Hamburg has paid to KELLY DOHM's Waconia based law firm of MELCHERT, HUBERT & SJODIN in, say; the PAST FIVE YEARS ?? TEN YEARS ??
Call the Hamburg City Hall; their telephone number is (952) 467-3232, and ask the HAMBURG CITY CLERK, JEREMY GRUENHAGEN. And then let me know; the City won't tell me without my having to pay to receive the information. Even then, and based on the City's 'track record', I don't have the confidence to 'believe' what they would tell me.
The HAMBURG CITY OFFICIALS HAVE NO CREDIBILITY with me; they lost that YEARS ago based on what I've witnessed saw, heard, observed and experienced then and now. And AGAIN, MORE RECENTLY; as 'chronicled' on this Website !!
And then, of course, there's the conversation that the HAMBURG CITY CLERK and I had (when I was still a City Council Member) after he had been advised by KELLY DOHM, that she had been named' as a 'partner' in the MELCHERT, HUBERT & SJODIN law firm; stating (words to the effect); "Now that she's been named a partner in the law firm; she'll be expected to 'bring in' more money."
It's as though KELLY DOHM has 'direct deposit' set up from HAMBURG TAXPAYERS to her law firm's bank !!
Based on my experience with KELLY DOHM, it is my opinion that she's a horrible, HORRIBLE person and she's ALSO an EMBARASSMENT to the law firm with who she's affilliated.
Check out the 'cozy relationships' described elsewhere on my Website, that so obviously exist and the 'detriment' of those 'cozy relationships' to the resident TAXPAYERS of the City of Hamburg.
MAKE THE CALL TO CITY HALL: (Doo-dah! doo-dah!) (952) 467-3232 and 'ask the question' listed above that needs, so desperately, to be answered.
Oh, doo-dah day!